Das sagt Autorin Sarah Kathleen Peck. Der ganze Artikel ist gut. Es geht um deutliches Fragen und Bitten
Sie schreibt: "Both before and after you make your product or offering, you need to invite people to come take a look, to review it, to purchase it, and to see what you have to share. Without asking people to buy your product, it’s like walking into an empty room, filling a keg with beer, and not telling anyone you’ve got beer behind those brick walls. Unless you put a sign on the door, distribute flyers in all the neighborhood mailboxes, and put a sign out front with free beer coupons for the first 100 customers, no one will know that there’s a keg full of delicious goods inside of that brick house. You need to show up where the people who have what you want are already playing, paying, or talking."
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